Ethos Logo 2024

Rethinking the World of Work

No matter what industry or organisation you are in, from Engineering, Manufacturing to Legal, Corporate and Public Sector, in the last two years we have all seen vast changes in our working environment. With many businesses adapting to a new working culture.

The legacy model of a singular workplace environment is no longer the norm. The evolution of remote home working, hybrid working and the shift towards hands-off management, have presented us with challenges. However, it is how we embrace these challenges which will help businesses to evolve and continue to grow.

Some of the key pressures presented in today’s market include:

  • Reducing workplace density– manage the documents onsite to be available online
  • Do more with less – cope with demand variability
  • Maintain/increase efficiency – improve efficiency and speed 
  • How to demonstrate value – customer and employee
  • Audit all work processes – reduce or eliminate repetitive manual tasks
  • Review our assets – using printers/copiers to their full potential
  • Communications – remote workforce, videoconferencing and other digital tools
  • Digital transformation – what it means to you, your team, your customers and your organisation
  • Engagement at all levels –frontline, management and directors

An ecosystem approach that brings together all levels of employees and stakeholders will prove more effective than isolated efforts, at addressing your workforce challenges and transition towards digital automation. 

We are reimagining how and where work takes place, whilst harnessing lessons learnt from the last 2 years. 

Companies and their employees have demonstrated in real-time, that rapid changes in work practices and how people do jobs can be accomplished quickly and effectively. 

A similar level of flexibility can be applied in designing how businesses retrain and redeploy their assets to meet the needs of the future.

Digitisation and technology will be core to the process of work and tasks, a positive shift in the working culture aided by digital solutions.

This is just the start of the journey; Ethos Document Management solutions have embraced these challenges faced by our clients.

To find out more, contact us for a free audit of your organisation’s workflow environment.

Assess & Design

Start by adding, tracking, measuring and analysing your use of paper.

'Optimise' might mean digitising or it might mean first re-engineering paper based processes. But, it should follow assessment and be based on its insights to assure results​​​.

Secure & Integrate

Never forget the bigger picture. Cost, security and agility are the key drivers of digitisation.

You won't get the results you want if you don't build in security and make absolutely sure that technology, process and people can play together happily​.

Automate & Simplify

If you're like the large majority of our respondents you'll be eyeing up candidates for workflow automation.

As you should - it's where so much of the benefit will come from. All we're saying is: don't forget that stage 1 comes before stage 2 or 3.

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