Ethos Logo 2024

The Digital Journey Starts at Home

Digital Transformation and your colleagues

Do you have a connected workplace, providing platforms for staff communications?

Do these platforms allow engagement from your frontline colleagues to managerial staff?

If so, is it a two-way platform?

The hybrid working culture is now the norm for many businesses. However, this change in working culture has caused colleagues to become more disconnected from their organisations.

Those who are working from home and using mobile devices are not speaking with their managers in the same way that they did before.

Authentic engagement starts with openness, hosting and allowing knowledge sharing. These key elements are often overlooked when a business transitions from an office to a hybrid ecosystem.

Taking the time to understand the working culture of each person and department, mapping out the flow, the touch points and understanding tasks are assigned and managed is crucial to ensure teams stay connected and can collaborate with ease.

If these key elements are not included within the digital transformation process, the business is unlikely to experience to full benefits of implementing the aligned strategy.

Business-wide, employees should be able to access and benefit from similar experiences, which include:

Faster processing

Better user experience

Higher productivity


Ease of managing

Reduced errors

It’s all about culture and engaging employees. This, in turn, aids growth opportunities and maximises ROI.

You can start this process yourself, today!

Take one team, department, or person (ideal areas to start are Account Payable, HR employee onboarding, and project management), and note all the touch points of moving documents, paper and electronic.

How much time is spent on data entry, task assignments, and approval? Note each time an action happens throughout the workflow, and you will be able to visualise the time spent on the repetitive and manual tasks burdening your employees.

At Ethos we have supported our clients in mapping out journeys with engagement at all levels. We are successfully leading the implementation of document management applications and automated workflow solutions with integration into many existing systems.

Reach out today and let us help you build a more efficient business.

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